Testbash Brighton 2019 Conference Day Part II of II

Part I is here

Here are some of my key learnings on the last 3 talks I was able to attend at Testbash Brighton 2019 before I had to leave early to catch my flight back home.

Gareth Waterhouse and Lindsay Strydom: Building Communities at Scale



Dealing with growth:

They faced challenges in scheduling meetups for the testing community:

Summary of challenges

After Testbash 2018, Lindsay felt inspired. A few days away from the office gave her time to reflect about the current lack of a testing community.

They then scheduled an unworkshop to discuss exactly what they didn’t want in a testing community.

Description of an unworkshop

They looked into overcoming challenges:

Eric Proegler: Continuous Performance Testing

Sites go down because of arrival rate –> it’s because of the sudden arrival of lots of users.

Common approach to load testing, gradually ramp up the numbers of users like it’s a stairs approach. But this doesn’t happen in real life.

I took a lot of photos during this presentation and I wasn’t fast enough to write too many notes during this presentation.

Here are some of the slides that stood out to me:

Slide on Capacity

Slide on Concurrency

Slide on Oracles

Summary slide with questions

Conor Fitzgerald: Benefits of exploring other industries and disciplines

Does the culture of a company affect the quality of the testing?

3 different company cultures that Conor experienced:

Controlled, conservative, checking

Energy, empathy, exploring

Autonomy, Anarchy, Automation (he initially thought it was the 3Es)

Discovered CDT, Principle 4 stood out to Conor:

Projects unfold over time in ways that are often not predictable.
