How can ChatGPT help me as a software tester?

Important Note: I highly suggest you double check anything that ChatGPT recommends or tells you, including asking for links for any claims it makes regarding studies. For me, ChatGPT is rather useful for idea generation.

Note: The only original thoughts in this blog post are what’s in italics, are the subheadings where I give it prompts.

Note: I would be careful of putting in private company information into ChatGPT, including detailed requirements, like those mentioned in answer to my first question.

This blog post is an edited version of what ChatGPT has shared with me. My prompts are the subheadings in this article.

How can ChatGPT help me in my software testing?

  1. Answering questions: ChatGPT can provide answers to your questions related to software testing. For example, you can ask questions about testing methodologies, test automation, test planning, etc.

  2. Explaining concepts: If you are new to software testing, ChatGPT can help you understand various testing concepts such as functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and more.

  3. Providing testing strategies: ChatGPT can suggest testing strategies based on your specific requirements. For example, if you are testing a web application, ChatGPT can suggest test automation frameworks, browser compatibility testing, and more.

  4. Offering testing tools: ChatGPT can provide you with information about various testing tools available in the market. ChatGPT can provide you with pros and cons of different tools and help you decide which tool is best suited for your testing requirements.

  5. Offering test scenarios: ChatGPT can help you create test scenarios that can be used to test your software application. Based on your requirements, ChatGPT can provide you with test cases, test scripts, and other test artifacts.

Which tools do you recommend for exploratory testing and why?

here are some popular tools for exploratory testing that you could consider:

Session-Based Test Management (SBTM) tools: SBTM tools, such as Session Tester and TestRail, provide a structured approach to exploratory testing. They allow testers to document their test sessions, track bugs, and collaborate with other team members.

Mind-mapping tools: Mind-mapping tools, such as MindMeister and XMind, can be used to visually map out test ideas and scenarios. Testers can use these tools to brainstorm ideas, organize their thoughts, and track their progress. Mind-mapping tools can help testers to identify new test scenarios and explore different test paths.

Screen capture tools: Screen capture tools, such as Snagit and Greenshot, can be used to capture screenshots and videos during exploratory testing. Testers can use these tools to record their observations and document their findings. Screen capture tools can help testers to share their findings with other team members and stakeholders.

Bug tracking tools: Bug tracking tools, such as JIRA and Bugzilla, can be used to track bugs and issues discovered during exploratory testing. Testers can use these tools to document their findings, assign severity and priority levels, and collaborate with developers and other team members. Bug tracking tools can help testers to ensure that bugs are fixed and tested before the software application is released.

Below are my own thoughts.

  1. Learn Prompting Good prompting is a skill. Learn Prompting teaches you how you can go about prompting effectively.

  2. ChatGPT for Bespoke Test Data Generation Beth Marshall shares how you can use ChatGPT for generating test data.