Bloggers Club: I wish I knew more about...
I wish I knew more about…
Git and Source Control.
While I’ve used Git in the past and been able to do what I need to do - I’ve never felt particularly comfortable in this area.
I’ve read up a bit on what exactly source control is, and why we have it - so I feel that I understand the concepts at least.
BUT when it comes to actually using Git - I tend to feel that I’m only keeping my head above water; technically staying afloat.
I find that I have a fairly good idea of what to do, and what my options are if I need to park some changes I’ve made in my local etc. but when I read more up on it online, then I realise there’s actually so much more to learn - and that I’ve barely touched the tip of the iceberg.
My first step to tackling this is to take Simon Berner’s course on Git Source Control.
I recently discovered the Bloggers Club on the Ministry of Testing Club. For more posts on this month’s theme, check this out.